Preschool and Daycare Programs
We provide offer five different classrooms which are tailored to meet the developmental needs of our various age children.

Infant Daycare Program

Our infant care program
Infants (0-12 months)
We love babies and provide much more than just “custodial” care. We are proud to be able to provide our babies with a complete developmental daycare program which has been prepared by some of the most educated and experienced child development experts in our area. Our daycare activities are geared to each infant’s developmental level and will include activities such as music, finger-plays, picture books and much more.
Read more: Childcare Goals for Infants
Toddler Preschool Program

Toddler care program at The Learning Center
Preschool 1 (12 months – 24 months)
Toddlers are very busy little people and they find a sense of joy and wonder in just about everything they experience. Our Learning Center is one of the very few centers that offers a wonderful developmental program for your toddler. Toddlers need a lot of different activities to keep them busy, stimulated and happy.
One-year olds have many things to learn. They need to learn to get along with others. They need to learn to care for themselves and start being a little bit independent. During this year, one year olds also need to learn new skills in thinking and talking. The program and activities that The Learning Center provides make it easier for you as the parent to see and feel the quality of care we provide for your child.
Quality care means developmental care that helps children develop both their minds and bodies in a safe and healthy environment. Providing quality care is not an easy job. By choosing our program for your child, you have given your child the opportunity to spend their day in a well-planned and developed program. This program helps your child feel content and secure while you are fulfilling your career goals.
It is not enough to see that the toddlers are fed, changed and safe from harm. That type of care is considered “custodial” care. We at the Learning Center provide your child with one of the best developmental programs that can be found anywhere. Our staff members have dedicated themselves to provide each and every child enrolled with quality, loving care.
Read more: Childcare Goals for Preschool Age 1
Preschool Programs

Preschool Two
Two-year olds are curious and delightful. They have definite little minds of their own. Around two years of age children are showing signs of wanting to grow and be independent little people. They seem to love everything around them, especially their friends. Two love to be with other children, but sometimes find it hard to share. At the Learning Center preschool, we encourage our children and seek to help him/her to develop and understand the wonderful world around them. We work hard to guide our two-year olds trough a wide variety of activities and experiences. Two-year olds love to sing, dance, and express themselves. A child’s day with us will be filled with music, art, stories and a whole variety of fun developmental activities.
Two-year olds are vey affectionate and love to have and make friends. Our preschool has implemented a program that stimulates and helps the child develop at his/her own pace. At this age you may find that some children hit, slap, bite, and refuse to cooperate. With a lot of patience and understanding, our preschool can teach children to learn what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.
Read more: Childcare Goals for Preschool Age 2

Preschool program at The Learning Center
Preschool Three, Four, and Five
Preschoolers are full of curiosity, boundless energy and a million questions. Their world is filled with wonder at the smallest discovery. During the course of one day, the preschooler can go through a wide range of feelings and emotions. One second they can be angry at their best friend and say, “You’re not my friend anymore!” and the next moment say “I’m glad you’re my best friend!”.
This is a very important time in a child’s life. At the Learning Center, you can be assured that we know children and are sensitive to their developmental needs. Preschool children are constantly learning. They ask many questions, love to explore, love to sing and love to dance. At this age, the child is forming many friendships and learns to get along with others. By enrolling in the Learning Center, a child gains many opportunities to make a lot of new friends and learn critical social skills which will aid him/her for the rest of their life.
Recognizing how important this stage of a child’s life is, our Learning Center” uses a best-in-class preschool curriculum called Fireflies. This curriculum is designed specifically for 3-5 year olds and provides a wide range of stimulating daily activities for things like music, art, dramatic play, math, science, language/literacy, social/emotional, and social studies activities. This curriculum is based on the best current research and theories around early childhood learning and development. The program also encourages involvement of family members in each child’s learning, and we provide parents with a daily memo sheet letting them know what their child did that day.
Preschool should be full of fun, love and learning. At the Learning Center, that is what you can expect. A parent can go to work and do their job with total confidence that we are doing ours. Parents are welcomed to join us and take part in any part of their child’s day with us.
Read more: Childcare Goals for Preschool Ages 3-5
Daycare Programs for School Age Kids

Child care program at the Learning Center
School Age Child Care
We have cared for many of our school-agers since they were infants. We work very hard to constantly revise and develop a child care program which meets the needs of our children. We were the first child care center in the area to develop a summer recreational program for the school-agers in our center. Each year we find we must start our registration for our popular Sizzling Summer Program early in the year. We normally have waiting lists long before school is out. Students who are enrolled during the school year are automatically given a spot in the program. We take great pride in our fun-filled program and strive to make it an exciting place your child will want to be. School-age children have different needs from any other class in our center. They want a place to go before and after school that provides them with experiences that hold their attention and allows them to develop their interests. Most children this age feel they are too old for “day care” and definitely want to have some independence. The children have been in a structured environment all day and want a place where they have fun. We provide the children with a variety of activities that are fun and interesting. Our child care facility also provides time for your child to get homework done so parents can spend more quality time with them once he/she gets home.
Read More: Childcare Goals for School Age Kids